Shiloh Membership Broadcast Messages

Shiloh Homecoming and Fall Revival Reminders


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The 2021 Homecoming Program is scheduled for Sunday, Oct 17th, 3:00 pm. Additionally, the Fall Revival will follow on Monday – Wednesday, October 18-20th, 7:00 pm.

All services will be available on our regular Zoom link and will be assigned separate YouTube links each day.

As with our weekly worship service, an in-person worship experience is offered for both events. We ask that you complete the below registration forms for each event that you desire to attend by the deadline dates indicated.

Separate forms must be included to ensure that the capacity limits are not exceeded for each event.

Face masks and social distancing are required for all in-person worship.

Homecoming: Registration closes at 12pm - 16 Oct

Fall Revival 18th: Registration closes at 12pm - 18 Oct

Fall Revival 19th: Registration closes at 12pm - 19 Oct

Fall Revival 20th: Registration closes at 12pm - 20 Oct

Meeting ID: 865 1108 5999  Passcode: 22401
Phone Number:  1-929-205-6099  ID: 865 1108 5999 Passacode: 22401

May be an image of 1 person and text that says 'Shiloh Baptist Church New Site 2021 Fall Revival October 18- 20, pm "Overcoming With Our Faith In God" Revivalist: Pastor Wade Macedonia Baptist Baltimore Baltimore Md. DATE THE Registration required for in person Worship. Registration sign up information will be provided a few days prior. kalah ነN for m1 uphold Zoom Link lhth sot dismaved; Services be streamed YouTube page and via our usual worship service Zoom link. The Zoom link below and the YouTube link will be provided no later than Oct 17th Whel righteousniess, Meeting ID: 865 1108 5999 Passcode:2 PHONE NUMBER 1-929-205-6099 865 1108 5999'


Pastor Selection

The selection of our next Pastor is a significant decision coming at a critical time for our congregation.  God has already ordained who will be our next pastor; our task is discerning God’s will.  To prepare ourselves for this pastor search process, Shiloh New Site is asked to commit to a 40-day period of fasting and prayer, from September 11 to October 20, 2021.  

While abstaining from food is a key aspect of fasting, the true intent of a fast is our communications and relationship with God.  Fasting should never conflict with medical conditions or prescription drug regimens.  When medical conditions do not allow for abstinence from food, we can still commit to the spirit of fasting through some form of self-denial, prayer, and meditation time with God.  

Our prayers during these 40 days may be directed to a number of topics to include direction for the current church leadership, blessings for and unity within the membership, discernment for the pastor search process, and preparation of the person who will become our next pastor.  

In addition to praying as the Holy Spirit leads us, the congregation is asked to set aside a moment to pray at noon each day so we can be in corporate prayer at the same time daily.  A guide for daily prayer topics and accompanying scriptures has been published for the congregation’s use.  If you have not received a copy, please contact the church office at 540-371-1153 and we will get a copy to you as soon as possible.


Shiloh In-Person Worship Registration Form

Effective August 1, 2021, Shiloh Baptist Church (New Site) offers in-person worship experiences in our sanctuary at 525 Princess Anne Street, Fredericksburg, VA. To ensure we do not exceed a safe operating capacity under COVID-19, we ask that you complete the below registration form by 12:00 PM the Saturday prior to worship.  Also, registration can be made by calling the Church Secretary at (540) 371-1153 between 10:00AM and 2:00PM, Monday through Friday.  Reminder, without exception, face masks and social distancing are required for in-person worship.  For those who prefer virtual worship or if we exceed our capacity, Shiloh New Site offers Livestreaming at 10:00AM each Sunday at: or telephone number 1-929-205-6099, Meeting ID 865 1108 5999, Passcode 22401.   The service will also be streamed via YouTube as well as provided via podcast at "Links" below at "Podcast: Sunday Church Services."  


Shiloh Homecoming and Fall Revival

The 2021 Homecoming Program is scheduled for Sunday, Oct 17th, 3:00 pm.  Additionally, the Fall Revival will follow on Monday – Wednesday, October 18-20th, 7:00 pm.  As with our weekly worship service, an in-person worship experience is offered for both events.  We ask that you complete the below registration forms for each event that you desire to attend by the deadline dates indicated.  Separate forms must be included to ensure that the capacity limits are not exceeded for each event.  Registration may also be made by calling the Church Secretary at (540) 371-1153 between 10:00AM and 2:00PM, Monday through Friday.  Face masks and social distancing are required for all in-person worship. 

                           Registration Opens         Closes                                      Link

Homecoming:        12pm - 11 Oct          12pm - 16 Oct         

Revival 18th:          12pm - 11 Oct          12pm - 18 Oct   

Revival 19th:          12pm - 11 Oct          12pm - 19 Oct

Revival 20th:          12pm - 11 Oct          12pm - 20 Oct 


The Food Pantry

The Barbara Carroll Community Outreach and Development Corporation Food Pantry continues to offer support to Shiloh Baptist Church (New Site) members during the COVID-19 pandemic. Members in need of grocery assistance are asked to notify their deacons or Gale Jones, the Pantry Manager, who will coordinate a specific date and time to pick up the grocery box. Typically, pick up is between 9:30-11:00 AM, Mondays or Wednesdays. Other dates and times may be scheduled if needed. 
Members’ request for groceries should note any dietary restrictions (i.e., no pork, red meat, fish, nuts, etc.) and provide their name, address, telephone number and the number of family members to include children to their deacon or Gale Jones at (540) 842-1980.  This information is CONFIDENTIAL and required by the Food Bank for their records and will not be shared with anyone. Members may schedule one pantry visit per month. Members who meet USDA Eligibility Income Guidelines will qualify for greatly enhanced grocery boxes packed with USDA commodities.